

Simple function that adds a number of seconds to a Date object.

Example usage, to add two seconds to a date:

d = new Date();
addSeconds(d, 120);
function addSeconds(date, seconds) {
    var sum = date.getSeconds() + seconds;
    return date;

An global instance of SessionSecurity is instanciated as such by the default setup (all.html):

sessionSecurity = new SessionSecurity();
sessionSecurity = $.extend(SessionSecurity, {
    // define overrides here
var SessionSecurity = function() {

HTML element that should show to warn the user that his session will expire.

    this.warningElement = $('#session_security_warning');

Callback for when session expires.

    this.expire = function() {
        $.get(this.LOGOUT_URL, function() {
            var url = sessionSecurity.LOGIN_URL + '?next=' + document.location.pathname;
            $('body').html('Your session has expired. <a href="' + url + '">Login again</a>');

Callback that should display the warning.

    this.warn = function() {

Callback for activity events, mouse move, keyboard move, scroll ...

Beware: it is bind as function, which means that this will not refer to the SessionSecurity instance. Use sessionSecurity global variable instead of this.

    this.activity = function() {
        sessionSecurity.lastActivity = new Date();

        if (':visible')) {

Cancel the next programed tick.


Tick now, to upload last activity time to the server.


    this.tick = function(activity) {
        var now = new Date();
        if (activity) {

Was called from activity(), update the server's last_activity.

            var sinceActivity = Math.floor((now - sessionSecurity.lastActivity)
                / 1000);
        } else {

Was called to warn or expire, don't update the server.

            var sinceActivity = -1;

                'sinceActivity': sinceActivity,
                'csrfmiddlewaretoken': sessionSecurity.token,
            function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {

If sinceActivity is different between the server and the client:

                if (sinceActivity != parseInt(data)) {
                    var sinceActivity = parseInt(data);
                    sessionSecurity.lastActivity = addSeconds(new Date(), sinceActivity * -1);

Pre-calculate in how many seconds to warn or expire using sinceActivity which might have been updated (see above).

                expireIn = sessionSecurity.EXPIRE_AFTER - sinceActivity;
                warnIn = sessionSecurity.WARN_AFTER - sinceActivity;

                if (expireIn <= 0) {

No time left before expiration.

                } else if (warnIn <= 0) {

No time left before warning.


As time goes by, we want to poll the server for last activity updates (maybe done in another browser tab) more often:

  • If the session should expire in 5 seconds, then we want to poll in 2,
  • If the session should expire in 2 seconds, then we want to poll in 1.
                    var next = expireIn / 2;

                    next = next < 1 ? 1 : next;

                    sessionSecurity.timeout = setTimeout(sessionSecurity.tick, 
                        next * 1000);
                } else {

Apparently there is still time, tick at the next expected warning time, before displaying the warning.

                    sessionSecurity.timeout = setTimeout(sessionSecurity.tick, 
                        warnIn * 1000);

    this.initialize = function() {

Initiate this.lastActivity.

        this.lastActivity = new Date();

Try to monitor for activity in the page.


Tick when warning time is expected.

        this.timeout = setTimeout(sessionSecurity.tick, this.WARN_AFTER*1000);